From July 2022, West Berkshire Community Hospital is getting a new and improved parking system, designed to take the hassle out of parking!
Find out more below

We believe that West Berkshire Community Hospital and the users of it deserve the best, not just in the service they receive when using the hospital but in every aspect of their experience at the site.
That's why we have invested in a new Pay on Exit system to make parking as simple as possible!


Customers drive into the car park and our new camera system will check your vehicle and entry time.
Before leaving the hospital, paying customers will be required to enter their full vehicle registration number into the machines that will be located opposite the main reception.
Paying customers can then use the facilities without needing to interact with the parking machines, saving you time on arrival.
The machines will then show you your entry time and ask you to make payment by cash or card for the length of time you have stayed.
Once you have made payment for your parking you will then have 15 minutes to leave the car park!

Blue Badge Parking
West Berkshire Community Hospital has offered FREE OF CHARGE parking to blue badge holders since it's inception and we have worked hard to ensure that this remains the case!
Unlike the previous parking system, you will no longer be required to display your blue badge in your vehicle.
Instead, on arrival please take your Blue Badge to reception where you will be able to enter your vehicle registration number and validate your parking session.
Visiting Consultants
If you are a consultant that regularly visits WBCH you will need to confirm whether you are entitled to free parking or if you are required to pay.
Those who can park for free will be required to enter their vehicle registration number at reception upon arrival and if payment is required, you will need to pay on exit.

Permit Holders
If you are an existing paper permit holder at West Berkshire Community Hospital, or if you believe that you should be, you will need contact the reception team at WBCH to change your permit over to a digital one.
Once the new system is in place and signs have been put throughout the car park, paper permits will no longer be valid and the parking system will require you to have a digital tariff before parking.