Car Park Terms
Total Car Parks Ltd Car Parks - Car Park Terms and Conditions
When the following words are used in these Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”), this is what they will mean:
“Us”, “We” and “Our” means Total Car Parks Limited (TCP), Company number 06449496 whose registered office is Suite 255, Communications House, 9 St Johns Street, Colchester CO2 7NN;
“You”, “Your”, “Owner” “Driver” means the person (driver) parking on the Car Park.
“ANPR” means Automatic Number Plate Recognition;
“Car Park” means the parking facilities within the demise managed by (or on behalf of) Total Car Parks Limited and designated for parking vehicles;
“Bookings Provider” means the provider displayed by and used by us to offer Online, Pay by App and Pay by Mobile facilities for Our customers on the Car Park. Customers using this method will not have to display anything in the windscreen of the vehicle nominated to park on the Car Park for the duration of their parking session.
“Parking Charge Notice” or “PCN” means the enforcement charges applied to users breaching the Terms and Conditions of the car park.
“Parking Receipt” means the ticket issued by the Pay & Display machine or the receipt provided when using online, pay by app, pay by mobile services, confirming your parking session.
“Parking Session” means the time at which your vehicle enters the demise of our car park and does not immediately exit again.
“Vehicle” means any vehicle used to convey passengers or items that enters the Car Park, including any mechanical device on wheels or tracks, its equipment and accessories.
“VRM” means Vehicle Registration Mark, sometimes called the Vehicle Registration number or number plate.
1. General
a) Each of our car parks will have the Terms and conditions for its use, clearly displayed either adjacent to the Pay & Display ticket issuing machine, or at the point of entry/exit to the car park or both. The notices will define the specific Terms & Conditions for the named site, in addition to the general Terms and conditions defined here.
(b) Online / Pay by App / Pay by Mobile payments for your parking will not entitle you, unless otherwise specified, to any particular space in the Car Park or priority over other customers. Upon entry to the Car Park, if you are unable to find a space for your vehicle then please exit immediately to avoid being issued with a Parking Ticket Charge Notice.
(c) However, in the unlikely event that a customer in receipt of a valid parking session cannot locate a space, we will endeavour to reassign this parking session to another of our car parks nearby and where a parking space is available.
(d) If you wish to request a refund or a change to your parking, please contact us at the earliest opportunity during office opening hours on 0345 293 0818 (selecting option 1, then option 2), or email info@totalcarparks.co.uk
(e) We reserve the right to amend, at any time, our Car Park Terms and Conditions or any part thereof.
2. VRM/Date Amendments
(a) The majority of online, pay by app and pay by mobile parking sessions are made through our advertised bookings provider. You will be able to amend your VRM details in real time using the account you will have set up to make your booking. If you need to move the actual date of your parking session then please follow steps b) and c) below.
(b) Any amendments to your VRM in respect of any parking arrangement with us, other than through our booking provider, should be made by contacting our administration department during office opening hours on 0345 293 0818 or email us at info@totalcarparks.co.uk Please give us at least 24 hours' notice prior to the start of the booked parking session, in writing in order to amend existing bookings.
(c) Once you have supplied us with your VRM and the amended dates/times you wish to be actioned, we will send you an email confirming the amendment. Failure to notify us of any amendments prior to starting your parking session, may result in a Parking Ticket Charge Notice being issued to your vehicle incorrectly registered to park on any Car Park.
3. Our Refund Policy - Please refer to our Refunds and Cancellation policy here.
4. Cancelling your booking - Please refer to our Refunds and Cancellation policy here.
5. Vehicles contents and possessions
Vehicles and their contents are left entirely at the risk of the owner/driver. No liability can or will be accepted by Total Car Parks Ltd or the land owner or other interested parties for any loss, damage, distress or injury incurred however caused.
6.Safety in the Car Park
For safety reasons you are not entitled to remain in your vehicle in the Car Park or elsewhere in the Car Park except for the purposes of parking or removing your vehicle. After you have parked your vehicle, you must proceed immediately to the nearest exit, following the recommended route (if any). You must not, in any circumstances, exit the Car Park by walking under a vehicle exit barrier.
7. Traffic Orders and Byelaws
The use of this Car Park may be regulated by traffic orders or byelaws under which a penalty may be payable for failing to comply with these Terms or the requirements of the relevant order or byelaw. In such circumstances, separate notices specifying the relevant order or byelaw will be displayed in the Car Park and we reserve the right to take enforcement action against you (including through court proceedings) for breach of such order or byelaws.
8. Parking Terms & Conditions and Contraventions
Please see the notices displayed on site for further details. These notices will include the specific Terms and Conditions for the site, parking session Tariffs, terms of enforcement action, warning signs of failure to comply with the Terms and conditions, details of our bookings provider, local byelaw and statutory notices. These are clearly visible on all our car parks.
By parking your vehicle in this car park, you agree to these Terms & Conditions.
Do not park as to cause obstruction or inconvenience to others.
Parking permits or any authorisation for parking must be valid and clearly displayed
When a designated bay or space has been issued you must park within that car parking space
Permit-less parking must be valid; any change of vehicle must be updated prior to parking
Pay & Display Machine: Parking Receipt must be clearly displayed inside the windscreen of the vehicle with date and time on view. If this is not possible to do, then you must book and pay online or pay by mobile. Parking Receipts are not transferable.
ANPR: when using the Pay & Display machine you will be requested to enter the relevant VRM details, the Parking Receipt is not transferrable to any other vehicle. Any VRM incorrectly entered into our P&D machine may incur a Parking Ticket Charge as a result.
By parking your vehicle in the Car Park, you consent to us capturing, using and processing your VRM and personal details via CCTV and ANPR for enforcement purposes, to calculate the relevant parking tariff (if applicable) and to recover any outstanding Parking Ticket Charge. This includes our right to request and obtain the details of a vehicle’s registered keeper from the DVLA.
Pay by Mobile and Pay by App (no Parking Receipt required): Follow the instructions provided on the pay by mobile sign(s).
Online Parking Payments (no Parking Receipt required): Follow the instructions provided on the website.
Bookings made by Pay by Mobile/Website are only valid for the car park for which they have been booked.
The Blue Badge Scheme is not operated on our Car Parks, parking in disabled bays must be accompanied by a valid payment, unless otherwise stated on the notices on display.
Failure to comply with the Terms & Conditions will result in the enforcement procedure, as advertised on the signs throughout the car park, being applied.
Please see the warning signage on site for the car park Parking Ticket Charges applicable, in addition to the Terms and Conditions on display.
Failure to comply with the Terms and Conditions set out may result in the Registered Keeper details being requested from the DVLA and a request for payment of the Parking Charge Notice.
Failure to pay the parking charge within the time specified from the date of issue, then the PCN details may be forwarded to a Debt Recovery Agency for collection of the original Parking Charge or for additional Court enforcement. This action will incur further administration and legal fees that you will be liable for in addition to the original Parking Charge.
Last Edited: 02.11.2020